The building belongs to part of a late nineteenth-century city block that was closed along the curtain wall running along the public street by adding a new front, partly as the result of restoring an earlier building in Art Nouveau style and partly by the new edification which almost envelops it and rises a further four levels.
The street façade draws on a classical modernism typical of elegant architecture dating from the early twentieth century. It is related to the characteristics of the existing buildings and the urban landscape of its context. At the same time it also responds with restraint to the contemporary evolution of the urban and architectural décor, embodying and confirming the stylistic canons of the Milanese upper middle class.
The internal front of the building measures itself against the natural setting of private gardens that form the deep fabric of the city block. These are open, sunny spaces, offering absolute privacy, overlooked by the principal living spaces of substantial residences with loggias, terraces and a large hanging garden.
This private terrace garden covers and mitigates the volume of the parking garage, built on two floors above grade, stretching deep into the site and ideally constituting a progressive link between the park and the building. All the common areas have been designed with a close concern for detail and quality materials, such as marble, seminato and Venetian marmorino, while the architecture of the façade has been enhanced by a scenic pattern of lights.
YEAR: 2007-2011
TYPOLOGY: Luxury apartment building
CLIENT: Porta Tenaglia S.r.l.
WITH: Bianchi&Radaelli Architetti Associati
COLLABORATOR: Giovannino Casu
Milan, Italy
